Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil e Ecumene

ID: 2676

FLM anuncia vaga para seu Departamento de Serviço Mundial



A Federação Luterana Mundial - FLM, Departamento de Serviço Mundial, anuncia vaga para um/a funcionário/a encarregado/a de programas relacionados a emergências e apoio a refugiados na Ásia e América Latina/Caribe. Maiores detalhes podem ser obtidos nos textos abaixo. Estes encontram-se em inglês, pois um dos requisitos é fluência nesse idioma. Eventuais candidaturas deverão ser encaminhadas à IECLB – Presidência até o próximo dia 30/04/2006, com carta de recomendação do respectivo Pastor Sinodal. A IECLB examinará se e quais candidaturas encaminhará à FLM com seu endosso.


Position: Program Officer, Emergencies and Refugees / IDPs

Oversight for Asia and Latin America / the Caribbean

Department:World Service

Reports to:Program Coordinator

Place of Assignment:Geneva, Switzerland

Starting Date:1 July 2006 or negotiable

Duration of contract: Initial contract of 4 years

Special Qualifications

•University degree or equivalent in development studies, international relations, agriculture, economics, or other related field.

•Several years working experience at management level in the field or at head office in the area of humanitarian aid or development within an international environment.

•Strong management ability, good conceptual and analytical skills, demonstrated organizational and supervisory competence.

•Knowledge and experience of cooperation with church related or non-governmental organizations, United Nations, governmental agencies and international development cooperation.

•Team-oriented, flexible and excellent communication skills.

•Fluency in English, working knowledge of French, Spanish, German or another language extensively used in LWF work desirable.

•WORD and EXCEL computer skills.

Candidates for this position require a Church Endorsement.

Closing Date

Nominations/Applications should be sent in English, with copies of relevant diplomas and names, e-mail addresses or fax numbers of three persons who know the applicant professionally and can be contacted for references, by 27 May 2006 to The Rev. Rudolf Renfer, Director for Personnel, The Lutheran World Federation, P.O. Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland fax: +41 22 791 66 28, e-mail: sw@lutheranworld.org


Department/Unit:World Service Date: 30 March 2006

Position Title:Program Officer, Emergencies and Refugees / IDPs Oversight for Asia and Latin America / the Caribbean

Position No.:9414.01


Reports to: Program Coordinator

Basic Purpose

Coordinates DWS global emergency, refugee and IDP response activities, including risk management, and promotes awareness and ensures policy compliance on related issues throughout the network. Maintains close working relationships with the ACT coordinating office, WFP and UNHCR. Coordinates and monitors, including financial oversight, country programs for Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean.

Job Qualifications

•University degree or equivalent in development studies, international relations, agriculture, economics, or other related field.

•Several years working experience at management level in the field or at head office in the area of humanitarian aid or development within an international environment.

•Strong management ability, good conceptual and analytical skills, demonstrated organizational and supervisory competence.

•Knowledge and experience of cooperation with church related or non-governmental organizations, United Nations, governmental agencies and international development cooperation.

•Team-oriented, flexible and excellent communication skills.

•Fluency in English, working knowledge of French, Spanish, German or another language extensively used in LWF work desirable.

•WORD and EXCEL computer skills.

Job Environment and Dimensions

This position deals with providing assistance to refugees and IDPs through emergency response rooted in sustainable development approaches. It leads required policy development related to this field and ensures compliance in all field programmes, providing guidance and support at all levels.

The position also deals with the coordination and monitoring of country programs for Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean conducted by the DWS. The country programs to be specified may be changed from time to time in line with the departments overall requirements.

Liaison with church and agency partners in these issue areas as well as with U.N. agencies and ECHO is required, and a thorough understanding of third world partners and priorities is essential.

Strategies, policies, objectives of program assignments are discussed with the supervisor and in coordination with the other Program Officers.

Participates in the program staff team, coordinated by the DWS Program Coordinator.

Main Duties:

1.On coordination of emergency response:

-coordinates and monitors DWS emergency and refugee programs and activities globally;

-maintains a comprehensive awareness of potential emerging crises globally and proactively plans for appropriate possible response in collaboration with the field programs, the relevant program officers and possible partners;

-ensures that program implementation is in conformity with agreed-upon policy and plans;

-organizes and articulates a rooster for rapid emergency response;

-serves as the resource person for all refugee, IDP and emergency related concerns.

2.On Policy Development:

-ensures that appropriate policies and guidelines are developed and approved by DWS governance;

-maintains an awareness of related discussions among like minded partners globally and takes part in them, sharing information among the network.

3.On Relations:

-develops and fosters effective collaboration with colleagues in the ACT coordinating office;

-develops and fosters effective collaboration with colleagues in UNCHR, WFP and ECHO;

-participates in the Aprodev emergency officers working group;

-promotes the involvement of local partners, especially churches and their agencies, where applicable, in the implementation of emergency and refugee programs;

-fosters relations with related agencies and donors, especially with regard to humanitarian aid, and maintains an awareness of requirements related to funding.

4.On global support to the field programs:

-provides support to all field programs in the field of emergencies, refugees/IDPs, emergency preparedness and risk management.

5.On Teamwork:

-supports a positive and respectful teamwork environment.

6.On oversight for Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean:

-provides support to the programs in all aspects of their work, maintaining weekly contact with the Program directors and visiting the programs regularly;

-coordinates and monitors DWS country programs for Asia, Central America and the Caribbean ensuring that their work is carried out in line with the approved strategy and global policies and PME systems;

-ensures that management systems in the countries are functioning well and supporting the implementation of the program;

-provides financial oversight for the field programs and ensures that program implementation is in conformity with approved budgets and finance guidelines, liases with finance staff to ensure this;

-liaises with the Program Assistant to ensure the administration related to country programs is executed.

Major Challenge:

To ensure timely and coordinated response to emergency situations, foster good working relations with all partners and to coordinate and monitor the implementation of complex, multi-sectorial refugee and IDPs programs.

The holder of this position should perform all other related duties as assigned by the DWS Program Coordinator or DWS Director.

This job description may change to better fit into the DWS Strategic Plan 2007-2012.

fe pecc

Não somos nós que podemos preservar a Igreja, também não o foram os nossos ancestrais e a nossa posteridade também não o será, mas foi, é e será aquele que diz: Eu estou convosco até o fim do mundo (Mateus 28.20).
Martim Lutero
Ó Senhor Deus, o teu amor chega até o céu e a tua fidelidade vai até as nuvens. A tua justiça é firme como as grandes montanhas e os teus julgamentos são profundos como o mar.
Salmo 36.5-6
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