bible Study 3 - Mark 7.24-30

Women in Times of Coronavirus


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Pastora Marcia Blasi
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Pa. Marcia Blasi
Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil
Read Mark 7.24-30

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday, May 10. This year the celebration is different. The coronavirus pandemic has changed people and life around the world. Many people will not be able to or could not visit their mother. Other people are sad ... they cry for the loss of mothers and other people they loved. What a different and difficult time.

Being a mother has never been and it is not an easy task, especially now. There are many demands. There are many fears and challenges. Many mothers feel overwhelmed, tired and stressed out.

On our continent, women and mothers look for something on the floor to eat and feed their sons and daughters. They eat the crumbs that fall from the tables full of an unfair economic system. They are treated like dogs, or sometimes worse than dogs. Many do not give up fighting. They question, ask, claim, fight daily for their sons and daughters to be “healed” of the demons of hunger, misery, violence, disease, lack of education, poverty.

The foreign woman who sought Jesus was in a very difficult situation: her daughter was ill. She had heard stories of Jesus and courageously asked for help. As with other foreigners, she was treated rudely. Worse, it was Jesus who did this.

In fact, she had no option to give up. The situation was serious. She questioned and challenged Jesus' answer. The woman wanted to be included and knew that Jesus could save her daughter. Jesus, realizing the woman's courage and faith, changed his mind and understood that all people who believe have a place among his people. He heard the mother's cry and announced that her daughter is healed.

Today many mothers continue to seek help for their sick or hungry daughters and sons. They are subjected to many things to ensure life goes on. But, until when? How long will they have to endure?

Jesus' action transformed realities. In his love and life project, all people already have a place, especially those who suffer the most. Instead of eating crumbs under the table, Jesus invites us to sit around the table, tell stories, make plans, build a new relationships and a new table, where everyone has a place. Jesus keeps waiting, believing that we are capable people.

To think about:
- How do you imagine that woman's life was?
- Have you been through similar situations? Have you ever asked for help? Did your receive help?
- How would you feel when you heard Jesus' rude response? Has anyone talked to you like that?
- What would you do if your daughter was healed?
- Did the woman go alone to Jesus? How can we women, mothers or not, support each other in difficult times today?

In these weeks around Mother's Day, remember all the mothers who do not know how to be mothers. Remember those tired and overworked. Remember the mothers who lost their sons or daughters. Remember mothers who do not get hugs, love or care.

Also remember the daughters who wait anxiously in front of the hospitals; those who miss their mothers; those who do not have good memories with their mothers. Remember and pray for all of them and for all of us.

God, in His immense grace, bless us, protect us and courage to ask for help for the people we love and for ourselves. Amen.

Autor(a): Marcia Blasi
Âmbito: IECLB
ID: 56593
Louvem o Senhor pelas coisas maravilhosas que tem feito. Louvem a sua imensa grandeza.
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