We now implore the Holy Ghost


1.We now implore the Holy Ghost
 For the true faith, which we need the most,
 That in our last moments He may befriend us
 And, as homeward we journey, attend us.
 Lord, have mercy.

2. Shine in our hearts, O most precious Light,
That we Jesus Christ may know aright,
Clinging to our Savior, whose blood hath bought us.
Who again to our homeland hath brought us.
Lord, have mercy.

3. Thou sacred Love, grace on us bestow,
Set our hearts with heavenly fire aglow
That with hearts united we love each other,
Of one mind, in peace with every brother.
Lord, have mercy!

4. Thou highest Comfort in every need,
Grant that neither shame nor death we heed,
That e'en then our courage may never fail us
When the Foe shall accuse and assail us.
Lord, have mercy!

Antes da criação do mundo, Deus já nos havia escolhido para sermos dele por meio da nossa união com Cristo, a fim de pertencermos somente a Deus e nos apresentarmos diante dele sem culpa.
Efésios 1.4
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