Wanted: Climate justice heros! Join us on 26 October 2013


Wanted: Climate justice heros! Join us on 26 October 2013


400 young people from around the world are going to enter a Journey to Climate Justice on 26 October 2013.

Be one of them.

In an online game, you will get to know other participants from around the world while you are encountering activists and experts on climate justice.
On each station of your journey, you will be able to learn more about climate justice initiatives and the crisis of climate change.
You can compete with the other players by responding to quizzes.
You will gain experience and become a climate justice hero by contributing ideas for the LWF delegation to the UN Climate Change negotiations and you will earn further points by interacting with others.

Through this exciting game you will learn about climate justice and be ready to get active in your own context.

Check out more information and register today: climate.lwfyouth.org

See you on 26 October!

Caroline Richter
LWF Youth Secretary

“ Oremos pelas pessoas envolvidas com este evento! Que Deus estenda a sua mão sobre elas! ”

Âmbito: IECLB
Promotor: LWF
ID: 24602
Não sei por quais caminhos Deus me conduz, mas conheço bem o meu guia.
Martim Lutero
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