Under a sky stained with azure blue!


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It's been a week since I helped in the Cleaning Mutirão, there at the Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes (ILCV).

At one point, it fell to me to climb a ladder to repair the ceiling. Then, upstairs, I remembered a biblical word (1 Corinthians 3:9-11).

In it, Paul presents himself as a “prudent builder”, while building the Community of Corinth, in Ancient Greece.

At that moment my thoughts began to cascade into my chest. Yes, the “team” of volunteers who also unfolded like me, imitated the apostle. What a satisfaction to be able to donate our strength to the construction of that dreamed house to house people with disabilities!

The text is dense, as it conveys energy, progress and openness to the future. Every planning generates new visions, and the ILCV is an example of this.

As I tied the light wire down to one of the iron rafters, I heard the voices of the people engaged. We were building a place that would make a difference right there in the future. And for that, we were working with physical tools, but also with words, phrases, ideas and thoughts.

This project, which we believe is from God, can only be managed together. That's why we're here!

I go down ten steps, look around and say to myself: - Ingrained traditions and habits don't need to be maintained. Offices, structures and hierarchies are instruments of the Church that must be constantly checked.

I walk through the ILCV courtyard. In it there are women and men working with enthusiasm. They are servile people who move from the reflection of how and what to do with the house that is being built.

I look up at the cloudy sky with patches of azure blue. The day will soon come when we will hear many stories here in this space. Who will be the people who will tell them? Who will be given the right to live here? What will be the spirit of this house?

I notice the lady cleaning one of the windows, with great care. When will anyone, from that point of view, try to discover the world that God dreams of us?

I decide to stack bricks. One of my friends washes the slime off a wall. We can do a lot. We are free to build and demolish, expose and erase, but this, always after a serious and responsible debate, about how we design and how we want to continue designing this house.

I sit down to rest. At that time God blows in my ear: - All very well, but remember: - No one can lay any other foundation than what is laid, Jesus Christ.

Close my eyes. My thoughts calm down. I read behind my eyelids that no crisis, no shortage of manpower and money can undo this work that God has begun.

It is in view of this that we, the volunteers, can do our work with freedom and boldness.

I get up, hearing a call: - Let's continue!

Autor(a): Comissão de Comunicação
Âmbito: IECLB / Organismo: Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes
ID: 68228
O Senhor renova as minhas forças e me guia por caminhos certos, como Ele mesmo prometeu.
Salmo 23.3
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