Sustainability - A project with Solar Energy


JF-Energ. Renováveis-Folder intelbras JF 3
JF-Energ. Renováveis-Folder intelbras JF 1
JF-Energ. Renováveis-Folder intelbras JF 2
JF-Energ. Renováveis-Folder intelbras JF
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The project for the construction of the Residential Institute of the Lutheran Campos Verdejantes was developed to have environmental and ecological sustainability. Thus, the use of solar energy technology for the use of electrical energy in the facilities is part of it.

JF Engenharia e Energias Renováveis, a company authorized by Intelbras to design and install Solar Energy systems, offered to provide the design and installation of the systems. There is a lack of resources for the acquisition of photovoltaic panels and the converter system and to obtain such values, a virtual crowdfunding was created.

Help us to complete this stage of the Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes project, through the link

Share with your friends, we count on your help.

Autor(a): Comissão de Comunicação
Âmbito: IECLB / Organismo: Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes
ID: 68152
Cristo, juntamente com todos os santos, assume a nossa forma pelo seu amor, luta ao nosso lado contra o pecado, a morte e todo o mal. Em consequência, inflamados de amor, nós assumimos a sua forma, confiamos em sua justiça, vida e bem-aventurança.
Martim Lutero
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