Spring arrives - The Works continue...


Chapiscando o teto
Teto chapiscado
Andaimes e escadas para todo lado
Muito pó....
Mas, muita organização.
Recortes das portas... correção.
Chapisco terminado.
Verde.... internet_fone.
Caixa para amenizar.
Banheiros.- Hidráulica
Banheiros.- Hidráulica
1 | 1

Spring, the most beautiful season of the year, leads us to observe the continuity of the construction work at the Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes - (ILCV): We are finishing the walls!

After we had our energies recharged with the Campal Worship held on August 28, the construction work continued, when we started placing the conductors for electrical cabling, hydraulic installations and preparing the walls to receive the plaster.

We are grateful to each and everyone who participated in the Culto Campal, and who passed on this phenomenal energy to continue the dreamed project.

Here are some pictures of the work being carried out...

Autor(a): Comissão de Comunicação
Âmbito: IECLB / Organismo: Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes
ID: 68151
A ingratidão é um vento rude que seca os poços da bondade.
Martim Lutero
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