Public statement about the events that took place in Brasília/DF



Public statement about the events that took place in Brasília/DF

The Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB) issues a public statement about the events that took place in Brasília/DF on Sunday January 8th, 2023. We do so under the guidance of the biblical word of the Old Testament, prescribed in the Daily Readings of this day: “Do not spread false rumors, and do not help a guilty person by giving false testimony” (Exodus 23.1).

As we have seen, a group of people, dissatisfied with the democratic result of the last elections and fueled by hate networks invaded and barbarized the headquarters of the three constituted powers of the Federative Republic of Brazil. They broke into and destroyed the Planalto Palace, house of the Executive Power, the National Congress, house of the Legislative Power, and the Federal Supreme Court, house of the Judiciary Power. Damage to public property was massive, but symbolic damage was even greater. Accurate investigation and accountability of those involved will be necessary. The IECLB defends freedom of speech and free manifestation, which are unquestionable values of democracy. But freedom of speech and demonstration does not authorize barbarism and vandalism with the dilapidation of public property.

The Daily Readings for today admonish: “In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise; things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable” (Philippians 4.8).

We keep moving forward. As Christian people, we defend democracy as the most beautiful and fair way of exercising power. We cannot condone the use of violence, hatred, weapons, invasion, and depredation of public property.

The Presidency of the IECLB, the Church Council and the collegiate of Synodal Pastors call upon the entire Church and the society to turn their hearts and actions to peace, justice, and reconciliation. We want to be able to live peacefully with the people next to us, even if we do not think alike. God, in his grace, will transform this world.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5.9).

Presidency of the IECLB
Council of the Church of the IECLB
Collegiate of Synodal Pastors of the IECLB

Jesus Cristo é o mesmo ontem, hoje e sempre.
Hebreus 13.8
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