Peace to the City — a song for peace


Peace to the City
Peace to the City
Peace to the City
Peace to the City
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Peace to the City — a song for peace

Peace to the City campaing is a music-dance production that gives movement and voice to efforts of local groups around the world to build a culture of peace. Based on the Peace to the City campaign of the World Council of Churches, the production is a contribution to the Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation and Peace (2001-2010).

The Music

Seven Cities and Three Woes: A Song for Peace, is a suite written for a quartet (violin, cello, piano and voice). The work is divided into eleven small paris with some independence among them, which characterizes the suite. Each one of the seven cities is interpreted musically by the composer. In the whole of the work, the cities are interspersed by the woes and, from this dialogue between city and woe, is bom the Song for Peace.

The musical work as well as the choreographic work, The Birds, begin with the principie that peace is the fruit of complex and arduous, although beautiful processes.

During the performance, the musicians are located beside the dance space and the soprano establishes the connection between them and the ballet dancers. This interlacing is part of the general concept of the performance that seeks to bring the image of integration and harmony, highly cherished values of peace.

The entire performance of music, dance, light, and scenery possesses an intrinsic balance. ft is deeply beautiful. Done for peace.

1. Song for Peace - soprano, violin, cello, piano
2. Rio de Janeiro - violin, cello, piano
3. Boston - violin, cello, soprano
4. Belfast - violin, piano
5. Second Woe - soprano, cello, piano
6. Kingston - soprano, cello, percussion
7. Durban - piano
8. Columbus - violin, cello
9. First Woe - soprano, piano
10. Song for Peace - soprano, violin, cello, piano

World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a fellowship of churches, now 337, from virtually ali Christian traditions in more than 100 countries in ali continents. The membership includes Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant traditions.

The Roman Catholic Church is not a member church but works cooperatively with the WCC. The highest governing body is the Assembly, which meets every seven years. The WCC was founded in 1948 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and iIs main offices are located in Geneva, Switzerland.

World Council of Churches
RO. Box 2100 - 1211 Geneva 2- Switzerland
Telephone: +41-22-791-6111 - Fax: +41-22-791-0361
E-mail: - Web:

Invite this spectacle to your City!

For more information on the dance performance, including its global tour, contact the WCC Public Information
Team at the address above, or e-mail ka@wcc-coesorg or

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