Message of the 33rd Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Cofession in Brazil




There are signs of peace and grace in this world that still belongs to God. In the midst of the powers of darkness, forces of heaven are manifested. (LCI 582)

We were welcomed with great cordiality to the XXXIII Churchwide Assembly by the people of the Comunidade Caminhos da Fé, Paróquia dos Migrantes, Sínodo da Amazônia, from 19 to 23 October 2022, in the city of Cacoal/State of Rondônia. High temperatures were tempered by kindness and care and the friendly environment of work and conviviality. In addition to 90 voting assembly members, we were blessed by the presence of 20 representatives of partner churches and ecumenical councils who conveyed their greetings and renewed willingness to witness together in the mission of Jesus Christ.

Under the theme of the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12, we reflected on our Christian commitment in the face of pressing issues such as the preservation of life in the Amazon biome and the global climate crisis, respect for indigenous peoples, the dignity of future generations, the experience of just relationships between human beings, and peace in all of God's creation. Jesus Christ wakes us up when He proclaims, Blessed are the people who hunger and thirst for justice (Matthew 5:6) and invites us to participate as peacemakers in building His kingdom.

Broadcasting sessions of the Assembly through social media allowed us to reach congregations of the IECLB and other churches, in Brazil and other countries. We live more and more in a connected and polarized society. That requires us to be careful about the use of Internet tools that can serve for good or evil. We have also experienced tensions within the IECLB. Fingers tap what the heart is full of. Faith in the Lord of life leads us to be instruments for promoting truth.

Some highlights of the Assembly include worship services, lectures, motivation to celebrate 200 years of Lutheran presence in Brazil, and the study of topics relevant to the mission of the Church. A very important moment was the testimony of indigenous leaders of the State of Rondônia. The Assembly approved the adoption of the Gender Justice Policy and proposals for social-environmental measures to be implemented throughout the IECLB.

The Presidency of the IECLB for 2023-2026 was re-elected: Pastor Sílvia Beatrice Genz as Church President, Pastor Odair Airton Braun as 1st Vice President, Pastor Dr. Mauro Batista de Souza as 2nd Vice President.

Fruits of the Amazon give life to the people who feed on them. Assembly participants had the chance to see and taste some of those fruits. With the strength that comes from the fruits and from the Beatitudes, we return to our congregations, parishes, and synods, bringing with us the diversity of aromas resulting from the multiple experiences, shared decisions, and colorful exchange.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God (Matthew 5:9)

Delegates of the 33rd Churchwide Assembly of the IECLB

Um coração puro é aquele que observa e pondera o que Deus diz e substitui os seus próprios pensamentos pela Palavra de Deus.
Martim Lutero
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