For the nightmare to end, we need to wake up! | Matthew 22:39

New Year's Eve



2021: what does it mean to you? The year you lost family and loved ones; it is the year you lost your job; who knows, it was a period where you were quite alone, alone, isolated, isolated.

This was 2021:
another year with the new coronavirus threatening our lives;
the year of the people who died from lack of oxygen in the Amazon – let us not forget! That happened;
the year of the threat to democracy there in the United States;
the year people crashed from a plane in Afghanistan;
the year people took to the streets to claim freedom in Cuba;
the year in which political leaders continued to insist on setting a bad example for the population;
the year of the biggest fires in the Amazon, natural disasters around the world and Cop 26;


2021: A lot has happened this year. In fact, we are not really sure if it existed... 2021 seems to be a second season of 2020, where we stopped being just spectators of the events and started to experience them in our daily lives, in the losses we have had. We stopped being spectators to become characters in the story that was happening.


And here we are: on the verge of a new year.
2022: What Will It Mean for You?
In fact, it is up to us. If we do not change, the new year does not change.


2022 could be a year of less ignorance, fewer victims, and less hate.

For the nightmare to end, we need to wake up!

So, wake up! Live the New Year with more responsibility, more empathy, more love.

Again, we experience fear and mistrust regarding vaccination. Therefore, I also appeal to you: Yes to the vaccination of children! It is their right! Say no to ignorance and the politicization of health. For the nightmare to end, we need to wake up! So, let us wake up!
Jesus taught us, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:39).


The sun of Christ shines in our lives so that from the rays of his love we can wake up in a new life, with new actions, new attitudes, new customs.


May God bless us, not with mere abstract words without any concrete meaning, but with concrete actions of responsibility, caretaker, and love of neighbor. That from our actions, 2022 is, in fact, a new year.


Blessed 2022.

This is the wish of the Evangelical Parish of Lutheran Confession Ferrabraz of Sapiranga/RS.


December 31, 2021

William Felipe Zacarias, Pastor.

Autor(a): P. William Felipe Zacarias
Âmbito: IECLB / Sinodo: Rio dos Sinos / Paróquia: Sapiranga - Ferrabraz
ID: 65721
Louvem o Senhor pelas coisas maravilhosas que tem feito. Louvem a sua imensa grandeza.
Salmo 150.2
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