Dried Leaves of Green Plantains


We experienced a little piece of the joy that is always present in Campo Alegre (SC).

This little moment took place at the premises of the Lutheran Community, where Dorothea and Rubens Bahr celebrated their 60th and 62nd birthdays.

At first I found something strange: the people who entered the hall did not have a gift under their arms. Strange, I thought.

But I also noticed that, as they entered the community space, they fell in love with one of the most creative decorations I have ever had the opportunity to appreciate.

Tables carefully decorated with dried leaves of green plane trees; with a panel of photos, telling a beautiful life story; with the perception of happy people, greeting each other with sincere hugs; with the beautiful wooden miniature of a house; with the conversations and dialogues that indicated smiling profiles.

For I dare say that, on this day, the joys joined hands to celebrate and love. The hymn played to the sound of two guitars, one small and the other big, sung by one of the sons and grandson Lucas, was very memorable.

Right after the delicious lunch, Valmi Becker, president of the Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes, spoke. She spoke about the engagement of the dear anniversary couple, in this proposal that dreams of more life to people with disabilities.

Our president also pointed her finger to the miniature house to say: This will be the house that will house the Institute. Today, this little house welcomes your offerings.

At this point I understood the empty hands, as far as the gifts were concerned. The people invited would place an offering of gratitude in this little house. An offering for the continued edification of our building.

Flávio Weiss took the floor to read Psalm 100 - a hymn of thanksgiving for life. Then came the afternoon coffee, with cakes, pies and snacks. After this came the farewells, and then we went on with our lives.

Thank you Dorothea and Rubens! May God continue to guide you and all of us!

Translation: www.deepl.com/translator (free version) 

Autor(a): Comissão de Comunicação
Âmbito: IECLB / Organismo: Instituto Luterano Campos Verdejantes
ID: 68291
Ninguém deve fazer tudo o que tem direito a fazer. Cada qual deve olhar para o que é útil e o que é benéfico para o seu irmão, para a sua irmã.
Martim Lutero
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