Bible Study 15 - Matthew 11:25-27

Women in Times of Coronavirus


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Pastora Angélica Bernate
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Bible Study 15.
Pastor: Angélica Bernate.
Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Colombia (IELCO).
Traduccion: Elisa Pérez Trejo.
Iglesia Luterana Mexicana (ILM).


Matthew 11:25-27

Let's read the Scripture, consider some aspects, reflect with the suggested questions and look for some actions.

In the time of Jesus, being recognized as wise was associated with the honor and prestige given to those who could demonstrate a certain type of knowledge. The lawyers, dignitaries and rulers were recognized among these, held positions of authority. For their part, the incapable and uneducated were those who lacked knowledge and instruction, were not given importance, were excluded from the spaces of authority and were never considered when making relevant decisions. In the religious environment, this idea also generated very marked patterns of unequal behavior. The scribes and Pharisees called themselves wise in their own knowledge of the law and treated with contempt those who did not interpret it or recite it as they did. Currently we have in society those who think they are wise or are called in this way.

• Can you identify who are called and / or proclaimed wise and understood in our social environment?

The popular wisdom expressed in the proverbial sayings recorded in the biblical text, affirms that: The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord (Prov. 1: 7). In this way, wisdom as the highest value is put at the service of the human being to give her/him life. It means then, that the wisdom held by many powerful people is not true wisdom, since it acts to the detriment of the gift of life. This becomes evident when knowledge is used as a sign of superiority or a tool to mistreat others. When heavy burdens are placed on those already worked, harnessing the power of knowledge for selfish ends. As women we are followed by differential treatment in the exercise of our professions and roles in society.

• Have your abilities been underestimated because you are a woman?

The Lord Jesus comes to proclaim a new moment. Jesus praises the Father because he has been given the power to change these unjust patterns, granting a place of privilege and making the simple truly wise. Jesus vehemently expresses that which is cause for praise and even has a touch of humor. Wisdom has been veiled for the connoisseurs, and even though they may presume it, they cannot find it. It is very funny to imagine the scene when blindfolded trying to find and touch others. In a circle, the others only laugh at the unsuccessful and fearful attempts of those who cannot see. In the book of psalms (Psalms 2: 2-4), we are told that God himself laughs at the powerful when they conspire against him. From the text we are studying it can be deduced that true wisdom will never be reached. it will be found, it will be hidden, put beyond the reach of the wise and learned.

• Do you remember a time when the Lord Jesus faced those who boasted of their wisdom?

Jesus is the revelation of the wisdom of God. By becoming human, he shows the wisdom of the Father. He does not do so in the manner of the wise and learned, but rather by showing an example of humility. In this short prayer, Jesus recognizes the paternal and sovereign kindnesses to hide the true wisdom of divine things and reveal them to those whom He wanted.

The message lived and proclaimed by Christ, confronts the daring human wisdom, showing a way of acting different from what was expected. In the Kingdom of heaven, the values are different from those of the kingdoms of this world and we are called to identify ourselves and to participate in the construction of the divine Kingdom in the here and now.

Some questions to reflect:

• How are the most relevant decisions made in this time of health emergency and how are the most vulnerable affected?

In our society the simple and humble are excluded from privileged places, decisions and important matters. That is why it is necessary not only to identify who are the decision-makers, what their interests are, but also to guide the service for justice, protection, care for those most in need. Recognizing this way of acting, let us ask for wisdom to discern, courage to face, diligence to act, strength to remain, compassion to help, tenderness to comfort, responsibility to care and solidarity to accompany.

• What aspects of life as a woman have changed in this time of the pandemic?

As daughters of God, we live secure in who we are in Christ. We proclaim a kingdom of justice from our identity, in the midst of the challenges, of the changes, of the new moments that we assume, whatever they may be. Our lives praise God in the possibility of knowing our capacities and in dependence on divine fidelity we dispose ourselves to be used according to the designs of his Kingdom. Recognizing who we are in Christ, his love and the presence of his Holy Spirit in us, let us ask for wisdom to administer, creativity to renew, patience to wait, peace to rest, generosity to share, joy and smiles to serve.

• What is God calling us to, through this crisis situation?

Our God is always at work. In the middle of this situation he has not stopped fulfilling his mission in the middle of the singles. For this reason, the Lord Jesus directed praises to God the Father, because his purpose of love is fulfilled, every time, that his Kingdom is established among those who with sincere faith believe in his Word. Recognizing his unsuspected way of acting, and thanking his company in every moment of our existence, let us ask for wisdom to of those who cannot see. In the book of psalms (Psalms 2: 2-4), we are told that God himself laughs at the powerful when they conspire against him. From the text we are studying it can be deduced that true wisdom will never be reached. it will be found, it will be hidden, put beyond the reach of the wise and learned.

• Do you remember a time when the Lord Jesus faced those who boasted of their wisdom?

Jesus is the revelation of the wisdom of God. By becoming human, he shows the wisdom of the Father. He does not do so in the manner of the wise and learned, but rather by showing an example of humility. In this short prayer, Jesus recognizes the paternal and sovereign kindnesses to hide the true wisdom of divine things and reveal them to those whom He wanted.

The message lived and proclaimed by Christ, confronts the daring human wisdom, showing a way of acting different from what was expected. In the Kingdom of heaven, the values are different from those of the kingdoms of this world and we are called to identify ourselves and to participate in the construction of the divine Kingdom in the here and now.

Some questions to reflect:

• How are the most relevant decisions made in this time of health emergency and how are the most vulnerable affected?

In our society the simple and humble are excluded from privileged places, decisions and important matters. That is why it is necessary not only to identify who are the decision-makers, what their interests are, but also to guide the service for justice, protection, care for those most in need. Recognizing this way of acting, let us ask for wisdom to discern, courage to face, diligence to act, strength to remain, compassion to help, tenderness to comfort, responsibility to care and solidarity to accompany.

• What aspects of life as a woman have changed in this time of the pandemic?

As daughters of God, we live secure in who we are in Christ. We proclaim a kingdom of justice from our identity, in the midst of the challenges, of the changes, of the new moments that we assume, whatever they may be. Our lives praise God in the possibility of knowing our capacities and in dependence on divine fidelity we dispose ourselves to be used according to the designs of his Kingdom. Recognizing who we are in Christ, his love and the presence of his Holy Spirit in us, let us ask for wisdom to administer, creativity to renew, patience to wait, peace to rest, generosity to share, joy and smiles to serve.

• What is God calling us to, through this crisis situation?

Our God is always at work. In the middle of this situation he has not stopped fulfilling his mission in the middle of the singles. For this reason, the Lord Jesus directed praises to God the Father, because his purpose of love is fulfilled, every time, that his Kingdom is established among those who with sincere faith believe in his Word. Recognizing his unsuspected way of acting, and thanking his company in every moment of our existence, let us ask for wisdom to listen, courage to love, willingness to forgive, humility to recognize, simplicity to testify, Word to liberate and faith to trust.

Autor(a): Angélica Bernate
Âmbito: IECLB
ID: 58458
Deus governa com a sua Palavra santa os corações e as consciências e as santifica e lhes dá a bem-aventurança.
Martim Lutero
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