


The Seminar of Liturgy, Art and Urbanity seeks:

1.To be space to share experiences made in the field of liturgy, art and urbanity.

2.To make it possible to localize knowledge produced at a historical level, that is, the history of liturgy (educational / pedagogical dimension of the meeting).

3.To produce liturgical resources in different artistic areas.

4.To promote a sensibility towards the contextualized production of liturgy (encourage production).

5.To offer exchange space among the different senses in different artistic fields.

6.To offer exchange space among the academic knowledge about urbanity, the artistic production and liturgical expression.

7.To create links and establish relations among different realities, experiences, contexts and cultures. The Seminar will be open to the participation of people coming from other countries and Churches, which will give it an international and ecumenical character.

Quem está unido com Cristo é uma nova pessoa.
2Coríntios 5.17
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