


Liturgy continues being an urgent area in the life of Churches, because the celebration event is the space, par excellence, of communication of faith and communitary expression of being Church.

The efficiency of that communication establishes itself once the bible, the confessional basis, the cultural/local context interact among themselves making sense for people’s lives.

How to reach that efficiency within an urban reality? How to use a different language which makes of the liturgical moments a real syntony with the realities of the city?

In the times of immediate communication and without frontiers, of trans-culturality and of the rediscovery of people’s emotional dimensions, - from which million of expressions, images, sounds, pleas are daily expressed - it is not reasonable to continue reproducing elements which originate from a rural biblical context and are not pertinent to the urban context.

How to answer with images, sounds, texts, to the emotional and subjective demands of people?

In the search of answers to the questions brought by life in the city, we want to give expression to a liturgical language which sprouts from urban reality. The Seminar of Liturgy, Art and Urbanity wants to be a space promoter of reflection, dialogue and creation in advance of the discussion which the theme brings.

Deus é maior do que o nosso coração e conhece todas as coisas.
1João 3.20
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