Ecumenical Salutation to the Synod for the Amazon




Dear brothers and sisters gathered at the Synod for the Amazon,

Grace and Peace!

The National Council of Christin Churches in Brazil (CONIC) expresses its unconditional support the Synod for the Amazon, which is being held this October in the Vatican. We rejoice with you on the possibility of gathering the Amazonian diversity in a meeting whose purpose is to discuss the evangelizing presence of the Church in that territory, while we prophetically denounce the real threats faced by such immense biodiversity. Those menaces are the realization of the human craving for profit without criteria.

The announcement is inherent to the prophecy. We therefore pray for the decisions made in this Synod to contribute for an evangelizing action within the reality of the Forest Peoples, in the affirmation that our Common Home, in all its diversity, is an expression of the loving grace by Our Almighty God. Hence, we the baptized people, in unity with the different traditions of faith in this enormous territory, are to let ourselves be led by that grace, acknowledging that God’s creative power transcend the human capacity to understand the complexity of life in the Amazon biome. Perhaps the Amazon is the best witness that Our Father’s House has many mansions (John 14:2). It is the dwelling of all living beings: trees, rivers, seeds, animals, human beings, waters…

From its ecumenical testimony, CONIC takes part in different initiatives that aim to support the Synod for the Amazon. We highlight the “We Are the Amazon” movement, which was promoted by the Christian Aid with the assistance of the Brazilian Ecumenical Forum (ACT) in the collection of signatures from more than 130 churches and ecumenical organizations in Latin America, answering to the call for prayer, action and acknowledgement in the urgency of recognizing the risks faced by our planet.

Along with popular movements, scholars and artists, we met at the Florestan Fernandes School to discuss the Synod and we cheered the courage in the participatory, democratic process to draft the proposals presented in the Instrumentum Laboris.

As part of the ecumenical movement, we affirm that our Council of Churches marches with you so that the Church, as the movement of God’s people, may be increasingly engaged in the defense of human rights and forest rights. We are partners in heralding the territorial rights of the indigenous peoples, from whom we have so much to learn, to advance in the political perspective of common good and good living. Our public testimony of the faith in Jesus Christ is also expressed in the support and promotion of agroecology, and family, peasant, indigenous and quilombola agriculture.

Lastly, we wish to express our gratitude for this opportunity that the Amazon Council of Churches (CAIC), our ecumenical voice in the Amazon, could take part in this moment as a fraternal guest. This gratitude is displayed in our commitment to promote the faith in Jesus Christ from the perspective of respect for the diversity of peoples and this immense living territory – the Pan-Amazon.

Our prayers for Pope Francis.
To our brothers and sisters, our gratitude for being One in Diversity.


Assim como o Senhor perdoou vocês, perdoem uns aos outros.
Colossenses 3.13
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