IECLB e Igreja Evangélica Luterana na América - ELCA

ID: 2714

Saudação de Jaime Dubon - Igreja Evangélica Luterana na América (ELCA)

33º. Concílio da Igreja - 9 a 23 de outubro de 2022 - Cacoal/RO



Dear Colleagues in Ministry.

Greetings from the ELCA national office in Chicago. As you celebrate this week your XXXIII Churchwide Assembly in Cacoal, Rondonia State, we want to greet you and invoke God’s blessings as you gather together. May God’s wisdom lead your deliberations and the process of electing your leadership for the new term. We also take this opportunity to thank God and celebrate the relationship of accompaniment between the IECLB and the ELCA.

In Christ,
Pastor Jaime Dubon

O Espírito de Deus se une com o nosso espírito para afirmar que somos filhos de Deus.
Romanos 8.16
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